Meet Philip Adu

I'm a  Methodology Expert and Founder of Center for Research Methods Consulting. My goal is to help my audience gain skills in doing qualitative research, mixed methods research, action research, and program evaluation within the most effective time frame. With Over 10 years of experience in conducting various kinds of research methodologies including surveys, interviews, and focus groups; I will be happy to address any research method related questions you may have.

What do we offer

Offer Research methodology courses

Provide one-on-one consultation on research methodology

Organize workshops in universities, businesses, and conferences

What would you like to learn today?


  • Ph.D. in Education (West Virginia University)
  • M.A. in Development Studies (Ohio University)
  • B.A. in Psychology (University of Ghana)


   3. Over 10 years of experience of providing research methodology support to faculty, researchers, students, and practitioners


Phenomenological Research Methods in Action Research.
Webinar at  The Lindsay Group Co., USA

Ins and Outs of Qualitative Research from Design to Analysis.
Webinar at Rocky Vista University, USA

Qualitative Data Coding. Workshop at the 8th International
Eurasia Educational Research Congress, Aksaray University Turkey

Book testimonials - A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Data Coding

I would recommend any researcher to access the book. Just got mine today through Amazon prime and it's an excellent resource to guide me through my thesis.

- Estrela, 

Fantastic book. A great help with my research. I also had help from the author himself for which I am immensely grateful. Great buy.

Mrs. N Nour

Dr. Philip Adu demystified qualitative data coding by presenting all the necessary steps required to reduce qualitative research data in a very comprehensive manner. This book is a must-have for both early researchers as well as already established qualitative researchers.


Book testimonials - The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research

This book is so beautifully written. This book provide a brilliant combination of the authors' "interpretations and perspectives of the different concepts and a glean meaning from salient quotes of the masters themselves".

Geovanni Vazquez

Dr. Adu is a current professor at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology where I'm currently in my 3rd and final year as a Ph.D. in International Psychology student. As a methodology expert, he suggested I purchase their book to help with writing my dissertation. I'm so glad he advised me to do so. Excellent material, easy to read and understand. 2 thumbs up! Thank you, Dr. Adu.


Brilliant book, it explains and helps to understand a lot of important things.
